Spoilt Brats!

“But our God is in Heaven; He does whatever He pleases.” (Psalms 115:3 NKJV)

Everyone can relate to having prayed for something to happen, and that either didn’t happen at all, or at least it happened at a different time we were expecting.

Our response is usually to think that God got delayed in His answer, or there was a mistake somewhere (how arrogant can human beings be sometimes…)

But the truth is that God as a Father, knows exactly what is best for us. Imagine if a dad would give to his son/ daughter exactly every little thing they asked, whenever they asked. That child would grow up to be the most spoilt unbearable brat in the whole world.

So, the parent teaches the value of things by making the child learn how to wait for the right time, or by understanding that somethings become future problems, so it’s better not to have it at all.

We either believe that God is sovereign and that He knows all things, or then we will want to be taking His place and wanting to do His job.

When you pray and the answer doesn’t come; persevere. But remember, when we ask for an answer to our prayers; the answer can be a resounding NO

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